Carved Antlers by Knight

"Custom Carvings from Deer, Elk and Moose Antler "
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Here are some of the pins that I have created. They come in a shadowbox frame, so that you can hang them on the wall or take them out and wear them as a pin, hat pin, broach, etc. If you would like something special, just let me know.
Click on a picture for more details.
Twin Dolphins Big Horn Ram Boxer Cougar Dragon Elk
"Gabby" Humming Bird Mule Deer Quail Ram's Head Sabre tooth tiger

Knight’s Crafts, 4199 N Meridian, Box 403, King Hill, ID 83633             208-366-2519  

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©Copyright 2005-8 by Knight C Duerig
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Date Last Modified: January 1, 2008